Saturday, 9 November 2024

NC Braver by Foon Wong Hiroshi x BigBoysToys

Always wanted a steed for my original SC Braver and finally managed to get one at a good pricing… NC Braver by Foon Wong Hiroshi x BigBoysToys… A friend once told me that in the past, lion dance in southern part of China took the form of SC Braver & in the north, lion dance is represented like NC Braver, the lively four-legged beast… Of course Foon Wong had applied his concept of mecha style to traditional lions. Very vibrant colors, mainly orange for auspicious reasons. International fans of 瑞獣勇者 SC-Braver rejoice! finally, international collectors have the chance to own the NC Braver from Foon Wong Hiroshi x BigBoysToys. Seen at various expo’s the NC braver.


deSMOnd said...

what an amazing figure you got in your collection..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I'm a fan of Foon Wong earlier releases!

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