Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Gyaromi Cthulhuoid x Devil Toys

Took noticed of Gyaromi Cthulhuoid when I spinned for the VAG during my last visit to Japan… Was attracted by its strong street wear vibes and alien design that resembled the ones in ‘District 9’ movie 🎥… Maybe it the tentacles 🦑 The interest grew deep to know that Gyaromi collaborated with Devil Toys to become a half mecha half organic being… Or should I say Cthulhuoid removes its head hoodie to reveal those mechanical parts underneath its flesh. Giving that 2 in 1 look with Terminator T800 vibes… See the side views for the judgement… Awesome exclusive at Taiwan Toy Festival TTF 2024…


deSMOnd said...

swee..looks cool..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yeah! This has a more mecha looks!

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