Thursday, 21 March 2019

LEGO Movie Happy Meal Toy Batman

From everything to awesome to not awesome! I don't mean the that, just the song lyric has changed. I have to admit that I'm not fan of LEGO, nevertheless I have watched both the movies with my family at the cinema. I do enjoy pace of the movie,  refreshing plot and 80s humour (Director must be from my era)though I doubt my kiddos would fully understand. Anyway, it's a fun family activity. Well, LEGO always hava a special place in everyone.

Personally, I have a strong connection with LEGO Batman for using the character on LINE Rangers and wifee getting this Batman Happy Meal Toy for ME! Yes!!! I am Batman! LEGO Batman?! This Batman Head Happy Meal is pretty cool as a display with its hook then I doubt I would play the maze game within ^_^ “mama-get-in 🤭😆” aka Armamageddon in Lego Movie 2!!!


deSMOnd said...

My son bought the female character of LEGO Ninjago series...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yeah! The Happy Meal Toy appeal to all ages ^_^

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