Monday, 11 September 2017

STGCC Singapore Toy Game and Comic Convention 2017 - Super Heroes

Super Heroes movies hit the big screens one after another and so are their merchandises! STGCC? First and foremost, I was welcomed by displays of cool 'Hot Toys' from everyone's favourite super heroes / villains be it Marvel or D.C Comic. If u are into 'Hot Toys' Iron Man, you will be certain on why the wait for an improved Hulk Buster is necessary and the quality that you are paying for. 

The recent Wonder Woman movie had achieved much success and I loved the way 'Hot Toys' sculpted the gorgeous Gal Gadot! Not just 'Hot Toys', there are also many action figures of your Super Heroes in different shapes and forms. 


deSMOnd said...

Bored to visit Hot Toys booth because all figures were being showcased in SDCC and ACGHK. Nothing was interesting there!!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Desmond
Perhaps publicity is a good thing and with internet news spreading so fast and wide. They may easily get bore of stuff ^_^

David John Shewsbury said...

I would love that Hot Toys Wonder Woman/Gal Gadot for my "personal use" inside the privacy of my bedroom LOL LOL LOL...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> David
I know what you did last summer! Lolz ...

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