Monday 4 April 2011

Robot Damashii GM Sniper II

The wait is finally over for those craving for GM Sniper 2 in its most articulated form till date. As a GM Squad leader (self-proclaimed), this is a must have for me and I'm in extreme delight that Bandai answered to my prayers. Since it's a sniper class GM, the weaponry are limit with only a pair of beam sabers and obviously the sniper rifle. The only protection given to this GM would be a standard GM Command's shield. The head scope is adjustable so you could bring it down to cover the visor when it's in sniping mode. I'm impressed with the posability of Robot Damashii as the MS looks natural even in kneeling position. The toy isn't perfect as it can be improved with decals and more details like panel lines or print alike 'Gundam Fix Figuration'.


LEon said...

Dennis this GM is cool as he wield double saber! Anyway I see that your picture has more "Bling bling" in this post. LOL

chubbybots said...

Nice! I'll save up a bit for this one and the Ecos version coming up hehe. Just can't get enough of grunt units ^^

Tachikawa said...

It's nice...Blue color...hehehe
Hope to start collecting Gunpla again...This year...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> LEon
I wanted to portray GM Sniper II looking cool even at close combat. Hee! Hee! Btw, I was exploring the fun features of Photoshop & Photobucket.

>> chubbybots
I'm waiting for White Dingo version of this GM Sniper II & ECOS type Jegan is one that I won't miss too!

>> Tachikawa
Yes bro! It's one MS that had been left forgotten for years and Bandai revive it with Robo Damashii. That's the Robot Spirit I see in this range of towline. Ha! Ha!

deSMOnd said...

I can see that the figure is very articulated..Congrats bro!!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yes, it's a well made toy for a 1/144 scale. It's articulation even surpassed the GFF grade in my opinion.

chrismandesign said...

the GM army... it should have something special, since u r pretty interested in this line... i will not know till i watch Gundam series... =( BTW, the figure is neat, detailed, well articulated (that means, i like it =)... but the bling, bling effect, no way, is very distracting =P

Tachikawa said...

Hahaha...thats right Chrismandesign...
I too don't like the bling bling effect...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> chrismandesign
I know you ain't really those guys who pay much attention to grunt units. This MS appeared in anime '0080 War In The Pocket', a member of Scarlet Team but was quickly wiped up by Kampfer. It's much useful during manga appearance in 'Lost War Chronicles'.

BTW, apologises for the bling bling distraction.

>> Tachikawa
Thank you for the feedback. I shall switch back to my usual signature the next time round.

bluedrakon said...

very cool, reminds me of a larger MS in Pocket figure

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I think it closer to the 'MS In Action' figure but now enhanced. MS in Pocket is quite a vintage and they mainly figures from Victory Gundam series. They are cool too especially put them in with the vehicles.

Gundam Gunso said...

I like the design of the GM Sniper II very much. It looks way cool. Maybe will add one to my collection when I get the chance XD

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Gundam Gunso
The things about GM Sniper II that attracted me is definitely the long rifle and scope. They made this unit way too cool.

Tachikawa said...

Anything about sniper would make me crazy and more crazier...
If I had one...
Maybe I should make Sniper Rifle as my props collection...
Maybe Yoko Sniper in Gurren Lagann...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sniper rifle of Yoko in Gurren Lagann as a cosplay props is a great idea. Ha! Ha! Seems like this post had given you some ideas.

Tachikawa said...

Most of your post had make me generate the idea...
Thanks Dennis Senpai...hahaha

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