1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Write six random things about yourself.
4) Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each of the six persons know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six random things:
1) Tiny little creatures that I am afraid of are cockroaches. They creep me especially those that could fly.

The movie 'Mimic' scare the hell out of me...
2) Apart from collecting toys, my other hobbies include playing basketball and swimming. I played basketball this morning...

My basketball
My basketball
3) My favourite type of meat is mutton. Be it mutton soup (Chinese/Muslim), lamb chop, Kerbab, stew mutton or satay. Yum! Yum!

They serve nice lamb Loin Chop here
5) I like to keep myself happy and I smile a lot. I'm known is guy smiley @ the workplace...

Making it look like Command Wolf is in the forest. Ha! Ha!
They serve nice lamb Loin Chop here
4) I like going out in casual form and it's common you see me wearing my billabong boardshorts...
5) I like to keep myself happy and I smile a lot. I'm known is guy smiley @ the workplace...

6) What do I want to learn now? Ans: Some photography techniques to make pics taken by me look more pleasant to the eyes on my blog. Thanx to my best buddy Terence, he recently teach me to take pics of my toys using digital micro mode and taking pics that brings would bring out the feel of the item. There are some pics taken...
Making it look like Command Wolf is in the forest. Ha! Ha!
My fabulous tags go to:
1) Art of Hobby ~ RiP666
2) Wenz & Denz Little notes ~ Irene
3) My Melody ~ GuReiSu
4) (D)ragon Sim ~ Dragon Sim
5) Jeroprime's Garage ~ jeroprime
6) Otaku Gunpla ~ Otaku Gunpla
1) Art of Hobby ~ RiP666
2) Wenz & Denz Little notes ~ Irene
3) My Melody ~ GuReiSu
4) (D)ragon Sim ~ Dragon Sim
5) Jeroprime's Garage ~ jeroprime
6) Otaku Gunpla ~ Otaku Gunpla
Hey Dennis. Thx for being a great sport. I didn't set the rules, i just follow them by the tagger who tagged me.
Your photography is paying off. Look real good now.
I like to play basket ball too! :D
Thanx Leon! You started the ball rolling man!
Nice pics! Did you paint the tallgeese? Looks very nice!
No Jcee. It a toy from Arch Enemy Series. But I must the toy is pretty detail.
wow...it is nice. smile makes our life happy ^^
almost forget, thanks for tagging me, I've done posted it
Thx for the support RiP666! Great to have you around.
done my tag...check it out at http://chickychic.blogspot.com/2009/04/6-random-things-about-myself.html
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