Wednesday 23 October 2019

Gunpla Builders World Cup - GBWC 2019 Singapore Entries

It's time again for Singaporean to showcase of our craftsmanship, painting and idea(concept). GBWC 2019 Singapore post is always pics intensive! I will take as many pics and you guys be the bloggy judge heehee... To me, the entry with the strongest local taste would be the one with HDB flat diorama. 

The entry that I like the most would be the one that celebrate 40th Anniversary of Gundam in 3D poster. I was there with wifee and her top cutee picks go to Gundam X Hello Kitty and Keroro. Wifee always call this West meet East mission as we have to travel from west side of Singapore and journey to the east to Sengkang - Compass One, Lvl 2 main atrium.


Yami said...

So this year's SG GBWC is around the same time the Jakarta one. I am curious if the Bandai staff in charge for the SG event are the same with ours, if so i bet he is quite busy until end of this month.

Too bad i don't have much spare time to participate this kind of event nowadays.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The main distributor here is Sheng Tai Toys and if I’m not wrong, Staff from Bandai will be here to ensure the exhibits are properly arranged.

Since the venue remains unchanged for many years, the organizers should be pretty seasoned. We will appreciate their hard work and efforts!

chrismandesign said...

There is a lot of talent and great works in this local event of Singapore, many custom builds which I guess is a strong trend lately, in part due to the influence and reception of the Gundam Build Figthers Series, albeit I have seen these custom builds even before that... If I had to pick just one of these entries and the choice is difficult, I like very much the diorama "Rise of the Federation", that includes a mass production MS and a pair of massive tanks... The desert theme in the color scheme, with the due weathering, looks fantastic!...

deSMOnd said...

Bro, I am also very impressed with using the HDB flats as back ground to showcase the figures.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Chrismandesign
Glad to see that the Gunpla arena here is still going strong that’s long live to the hobby and Bandai is looking good at 40.

The dessert tank is really huge and the modeler uses a PG size Gundam to compliment it. It’s a giant diorama I must say..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Desmond
Yeah bro! It is home truly and this entry gained plenty of attention on multiple geek channels locally!

David John Shewsbury said...

thanx for sharing as always.... lovely pictures, lots of decent Gundam diorama which bring back the memory of when I was still active in GunPla 10 years ago, how time flies so fast and we are getting old now...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Thank you bro! I’m also going slow on Gunpla the past years and feeling old like you : ( Trying to focus more on fitness now.

Anonymous said...

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