Wednesday, 8 April 2015

1/100 Customized Desert Zaku II (Zeon)

Captured units from the Zeon, these salvaged Zaku II, in U.C 0083 Stardust Memory, were assigned to Australia - Toronto base, hostile unit for combat practise, against Powered GM. Given a more desert camouflage - beige colour scheme, the somehow realistic simulated confrontation set in a paintball alike battle. Red splat on the unit indicated it had been shot, which the MG version had provide the the paintball splat (which you can put anywhere you like, of course). This is a typical Master Grade kit, with lots of parts, polycaps for great articulation and posing. Requires an extra bit of work, with some screws to be put into place and a tiny bit of gluing for the three little bits of extra armour on the helmet, which are optional. Wei Xian had reprinted his MG Zaku II E.F.S.F for a slight colour contrast. A new set of Zeon water-slide decals. In my opinion, the emblem of lady holding Deathscythe kind of awesome. Beside those standard issued armaments, Wei Xian had also beefed its firepower with an additional Arnold type gattling gun that really spin when wind up.  


chrismandesign said...

since this is "military equipment", now i see why they look better in military colors... the beige really fits well the rather old fashioned Zaku II and the set of extra armament is a very welcome addition... if this is actually a "dummy" Zaku, nobody would expect that this one would look better that a real one and it does !!!... by the way, i always thought that the Zaku lower extremities were shaped like the old 60’s pants with platform boots, LOL !!!... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Chrismandesign
I think Wei Xian did a nice color contrast to the Zaku as it look quite of desert storm camouflage. Zaku as a whole has that very militarised design and all goes well. Zaku design is unique as there are lots with domes or curves unlike other robots. Now that you mentioned about platform shoes, the foot of Zaku does look like it wearing those! Lol Man! I never think of that before.

deSMOnd said...

This Zaku looks cool with his gatling gun..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yeah! The gattling gun gave Zaku that overkill image like Arnold in Commando. Lol ...

RiP666 said...

woow the combination color scheme look really nice, and the girl with scythe just like the white wolf with its lizard emblem. and btw who is Wei Xian anyway ?

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> RIP666
I always like those emblem on mecha. Tells lots of the affiliation of their background and legions. Wei Xian is my neighbourhood friend as well as a member of Gundam Chit Chat Club form with the support of other like minded Gunpla enthusiasts. This is the work of Wei Xian and in short we often call him WX!

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