Thursday 5 April 2012

Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Vol 3 Roy Focker VF-1S + Fast Pack

Roy Focker:
Originally a stuntshow pilot in an air circus, Roy Focker went on to become an experienced veteran of many wars and battles. During the reconstruction of the alien battlefortress SDF-1, Roy was appointed the Commander of the Skull Squadron, an elite force made up of the most skilled Veritech Fighter pilots. As Ricker Hunter's mentor, Roy counseled the young teen through many emotional conflicts and guided Rick through his early military career. Roy died of wounds received in battle against the female Zentraedi fighter squadrons. The mantle of Skull Leader was passed on to Rick Hunter, who eventually grew to be a skilled Ace pilot and leader as his "Big Brother" Roy was. 

To stir up more anxiety, Toynami had held back the released of the iconic Ace Veritech Fighter pilot, codename: Skull Leader One to volume 3 of the Robotech Masterpiece series. To take the toy to greater heights and stunned fans even more, Toynami also had released the Super Veritech Armor set as a supplement, in the form appendix book-like packaging. 

The artwork on the appendix is Rick Hunter cos it's obvious that Roy had perished before he could use the Super Veritech Armor in the TV series. Don't think Roy had any regrets now that Rick succeeded him. Anyway, they put Roy on strike pack in the movie.  I have displayed the toy since the time I bought it so you see see some mild yellowing but I had tried to clean it and brought out the best from these pics. 

I have talked a lot about the mechanism to of the Masterpiece veritech fighter in my previous posts, so I'll touch on more about the Super Veritech Armor Appendix-A in this instant. You won't see the problems with breaking the fastening parts in the legs, like those in vintage chunky monkeys cos Toynami had cleverly used magnetic force to hold the armor to the legs. As for the armor on the hands, it's done by extendable fastener. The front portion of the booster can be detached but I wonder why Toynami didn't throw in the strike cannon. The outer casing of the leg armor can also be removed to show some details of the interior.


LEon said...

Yes this is my favorite in the Macross series.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yup! Every Macross fans miss Roy Focker. Irreplaceable Skull Leader One to me...

chrismandesign said...

the most classic Macross YEAH !!! (although is not the one i like the most LOL)... with the extra armor looks a lot better and as the oldies is more photogenic in gerwalk and fighter modes... after all this time it seems intact and the yellowish is not noticeable... i know the Macross by Yamato have better features and accuracy but certainly this must be considered a Masterpiece specially by the time it was manufactured... even the packaging design is great !!! =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Certainly, true that at the time of released, Toynami Veritech Fighter is still the the edge of technology before Yamato. Toynami Masterpiece is like an in between to Chunky Monkey and Yamato.

bluedrakon said...

I really like these 'book' editions as they make storing them more interesting.

The figures are also so well detailed it is great to display as well.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The package is classic and make good display even with the toy in it. Still unbeatable in terms of packaging. Not if the later Yamato.

deSMOnd said...

I only know Classic Marcross..HAHA!!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This is the classic of all classic mecha! I also a Macross fan that remains faithful to the original.


and more gimmic, thumbs up bro


and more gimmic, thumbs up bro

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yup... But still feel that Toynami should have thrown in the strike cannon. Regrettablely, they have quieten on Robotech toyline.

tora corgan said...

is there any shop that sell this model??

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