Friday 25 November 2011

Gundam Robot Tamashii Touch And Photo @ AFA 2011

This station may just occupied a small section @ AFA 2011 within Bandai exhibition area, but it was definitely engaging and one that had stalled a lot of my time. It gave visitors the chance to have a feel of Gundam 'The Robot Spirits' in action. The backdrops, figures and lamps had provided a conducive environment for photo enthusiasts to strike poses of Gundam and make their very own special photo. You can also take photo of your own Robot Tamashii figures, any time, any where, upload and share your photo on Tamashii Nation South Asia Facebook’s page! Have fun posing the figures, up to your own imagination.


chrismandesign said...

those Tamashiis are nicely detailed... the photoshoot and touch is a great marketing strategy, specially with this kind of figures that look very poseable... their size is pretty much that of a 1/144 scale Gundam... oh, and the photo backgrounds give them more realism =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I also think it's clever of Bandai on stage something like this. It really brings up the plus point of their latest action figure technology. There's a lot of fun at the station!

deSMOnd said...

thanks for the update!!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

No prob! Sorry that the news were a bit delayed.

sl619 said...

So they displayed those figures and let the public pose them? COOL! I guess u had tons of fun there bro! HAHA

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Oh yes, so nice that the organizer let people have fun and capture those fond memories in photos.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Oh yes, so nice that the organizer let people have fun and capture those fond memories in photos.

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