Saturday 20 August 2011

STGCC 2011 - D.C Heroes

I think this year the theme is main on Marvel and D.C comic. Hot Toys is especially hot. Another Hot Toys exclusive if Batman figure from Batman Begins. I met Lai manning the Hot Toys booth and had a chat with him and learning a bit or two about Hot Toys. Behind Hot Toys booth, there was Kinokuniya booth where they sold western comic and busts mainly on D.C Heroes. Kinokuniya also gave away free Green Lantern Heroclix without terms and conditions.


chrismandesign said...

certainly HOT TOYS knows how to make an attractive display for its pieces, the dio looks pretty realistic (poor thumbler =/)... obviously comic characters have their fans in Singapore & i guess HT is doing big deals there... the busts r something i like to watch but not to own so much, they must b from DC Direct & Heroclix is not my kind... if u have more to show from this event pal, i’ll b waiting =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Indeed pal, HT is dominating with their great sculpts of movie replica. This year STGCC didn't showcase the toys I like neither was there any toys I wanted to buy. But I know there are other toy collectors who would like to see what the event offers. So, It's my duty to present what I had seen to you.

deSMOnd said...

All Hot Toys diorama showcases look amazing..I like them..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

This is also the first time I have seen HT diorama of this scale. It's really an eye-opener for me too! Those were some awesome display by HT.

bluedrakon said...

Personal fav is the Joker - that was the best one so far from the movies.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Precisely, Joker in this movie is so far the best and HT have been cashing in money coming out ith different version of it.

Tachikawa said...

I too like Joker...
He is indeed intelligent even though
he is a bad guy...
The Toys looks real too...
I wish to get those as my Arch in front of my house someday...
If I am rich...hahaha...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Yes bro, this Joker is already an icon and HT has made the figure a great tribute. The drawback of HT is the size and price.

Tachikawa said...

Yes...Dennis Senpai...
Bigger Size means Bigger Price...
Hot Toys sure is for Millionaire
I presume...We a not standard people can just watch it from afar...
Can't afford to buy it for personal collection...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Can't practically buy all the HT. Good to get a selective few that suit your liking. Then again, one thing leads to another. Lol...

Tachikawa said...

Yes...Something that fit us can only be bought...If want to buy all of Hot Toys...Waiting for us becoming Millionaire...hahaha...

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