Monday 4 July 2011

Transformers 3 : Dark of The Moon

Sentinel Prime looks really awesome with his blade and shield...

My in-law's had assisted to take care of my three kiddos so that my wife and I can have some couple time on a date to watch movie together after a long long time. We have both watched the first two live-action movies of Transformers so this latest installment will be an excellent continuity. As expected, this third installment again kept me glued to my seat with my full concentration the entire 2.5 hours. Even with Megan Fox being replaced with a new gal, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, I don't think any TF fans will feel short-changed. It's interesting to see how skillful, Michael Bay adds fiction to historical events and believe me, the CGI effect is already worth your ticket money. There is a surprising twist to the plot but it's sad to see a prominent character been killed. At least it's comforting to seeing the movie ends with the alliance grabbing the final victory.


bluedrakon said...

I saw a preview in 3D and may actually go see this in 3D. Not always a big fan of that version of the movies, but may be cool.

Did you see it in 2D or 3D?

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I watched the 2D version cos my eyes kind of hurts whenever I put on the 3D goggles too long and the duration of this movie is definitely way too long my eyes can endure.

chrismandesign said...

that’s definitely a cool way to hang out with ur beloved wife =)... this is the kind of movie that is worth to watch in theaters... i missed the movie Sucker Punch (which i want so bad to watch) but it was only available in one "average class" theater, so the quality of sound & image was not what this movie deserves... =/

Gundam Gunso said...

Had just watched it last wkend. Very entertaining movie. Quite impressed by the Michael Bay's ability to insert some old clips from USA's landing on the moon event. Of course the movie do have it's flaws, but nevertheless, still entertaining. XD

RiP666 said...

I always late to watch the movie I liked, well I must wait til it come to my town since it is one of wanted movie in this year

sl619 said...

The movie is GREAT and i dont care what those critics say!! hehe!
The twist of plot does make me sad seeing some1 died but then the overall movie made up for it. Fight scenes were well crafted and i can foresee battle damaged prime in stores in the future. LOL

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> chrismandesign
I missed Sucker Punch too but will soon watch it on my iPhone. Anyway, Average cinema is good enough for me.

>> Gundam Gunso
Man! You are fast bro! One of those who gets to watch the movie first. The cinema must be packed cos the one I went to was fully occupied.

>> RiP666
No prob bro, as long as you ready and all set to go when the movie hit your town. You must be really eager...

>> sl619
Oh yes, I'm not bothered by critics as long as I enjoy the movie. Hasbro will release all sort of Prime!!! It's about the franchises after all. Lol...

Tachikawa said...

Wow,same here...The Transformers 3
is full of people in Cinema...
I need to book next week to watch it...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Tachikawa
Indeed epic movie like this is a sure hit in the box-office.

Tachikawa said...

That's right Dennis Senpai...
For the last two Movie too
(Transformers 1 & 2)
I need to book the ticket
to get for 5 a row...
For my Family...hahaha...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Bianchii
Thanx for hopping on board my blog! I will do the same.

>> Tachikawa
That's so fun to have the whole family marching to watch movie. I can imagine how close you are with your family. Blissful...

Tachikawa said...

Maybe because of my family is only 5 people including me...
Like you to Dennis senpai,
bring along your kids and wife
to watch movies...

deSMOnd said...

Very draggy in the front and rushing near to the end of the plot. The female lead acting skill is bad. No facial expression at all. TOO tall for Sam..

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