Friday 7 January 2011

A New Macross Friend

A good way of clearing some space as well as converting asset to cash to fund my Gundam kit campaign was to sell off my 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru on eBay locally. Not only did I get some spare cash but the biggest surprise came when I realized my buyer is a frequent reader of my blog and is also someone as passionate as I am about Macross. This new friend of mine have much liking for Yamato 1/48 & 1/60 scale of valkyrie toys. I shall introduce this new friend as Aaron. Aaron liking for Macross develops after watching Macross movie 'Do You Remember Love' and now he has plunged deeply into the world of Macross toy collection. I had requested Aaron to provide me with some pics of his Macross collection to be featured on my blog and he had gladly do so. His next progress will be getting more display cabinets for future expansion.


Ant Sized Man said...

Nice collection he's got there. Those 1/48 valks look great in the ikea detolf.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

You sure know a lot on valkyries and display cabinets pal. I'm envious too! My only 1/48 is only VF-1J with the GBP parts.

deSMOnd said...

Dennis, glad to hear you met someone having the same interests..Sure there are lots of opinions and thoughts to share :)

sl619 said...

detolfs are really suitable to display all kinds of collectables. However, im still kinda hoping ikea comes out with a new variable with more larger width. XD

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> deSMOnd
Definitely bro. Aaron had share some thoughts of posing valkyries on his stand and tips on weathering effect.

>> sl619
Oh yes, many are hoping for a wider width like you mentioned. I think the same too especially for put jet fighters model and tank that take up more space. Hope Ikea will answer their prayers....

LEon said...

Is he a silent reader? It's really cool to meet up with someone who is as passionate as you. Now you have a new friend! congrats!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Well, he did comment once on my blog. Actually, he is a very expressive guy and I can feel his enthusiasm everytime his SMS or email me.

bluedrakon said...

It just shows how small out world really is. It is nice know that something you enjoyed will now be enjoyed by someone who has the same interests.

chrismandesign said...

pretty neat collection & very organized... these big models come plenty of details & the chromed base WOW !!! i wish to own at least 1 model kit from Macross, but i hav to wait & i will do =)

chubbybots said...

Its a great feeling knowing another collector as passionate as yourself!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Bluedrakon
I'm fortunate to get to know my friends through this present hobby.

>> chrismandesign
Good to see Aaron's collection which is a range which I had given up on. I hope you will one day have your own valkyrie too!

>> chubbybots
Just like know you on my Gundam journey. You got the passion too! Ha! Ha!

Aaron said...

Hey everybody,

Aaron here. How you all doing? Yeah, that's my collection and I'm enjoying every minute of it, finding deals in eBay, meeting like minded toy collectors and talking about out shared interests. :D I was really so surprised when the Dennis told me to go visit his blog on toys and I realised it was the one and only Dennis, the one who wrote "forever plotting to expand my toy collection!" haha. Dennis' a great guy.

I have gotten about 80% of what I wanted. Once the collection's more complete, I've invited Dennis to come over to take pics and post them (he's a way better photographer than I am).

- 1/48 Hikaru Super VF-1S with Clear Parts
- 1/48 Roy Focker Super VF-1S in Gerwalk
- 1/48 Max DYRL Super VF-1A with Stealth Super Parts
- 1/48 VF-1A Mass Production Cannon Fodder
- 1/48 VF-1A Kakizaki with Super Parts
- 1/48 Stealth VF-1J in Urban Camo GBP

I should stop. But I can't help it. :D

Aaron said...

Also, I find the 1/60s inferior to the 1/48s, especially in fighter mode. :)

I saw Bandai's Hi-Metal 1/100 Super VF-1S Roy Focker at CSC yesterday for $120. Bang head, I didn't get it. ;(

sl619 said...

nice to meet u Aaron. its always nice to meet a fellow "addict" ^^

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Aaron is not the silent reader when it comes to Macross! Lol.. Feel free to visit & comment on our blogs. We are all nice dudes on the blog!

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