Sunday 18 October 2009

My 1st Toy Outdoor Toy Group Photography

 Sneaking out while wife was still in her dream land. Sh..................

This is Clark Quay, by the side of Singapore River. The lower buildings are heritage buildings known as shophouses (built when Singapore was still a British colony). Now, these shophouses had been refurnished and turned to pubs and restaurants. The place will be filled with vibrant at night! 

Many thanx to the organiser Leon ~ Open The Toy and supports from participating bloggers
We met up @ the nearby Mac Donald's outlets and had breakfast with Hatsune Miku. Ha! Ha!
Preparation for the warm-up photoshoot. The figma and Nendoroid in boxes reminds me of my younger days, whereby I put my Tamiya cars and accessories in boxes and carrying them around.
They have turn Mac Donald's to Mac Studio's. Those guys were so engrossed. Ha! Ha!
Everyone has brought along a toy that best represent them for group photo
That's my SD VF-1S with Leon's Yotsuba
Miku Hatsume's concert - Figma of Thomas ~ The Angels of Eternity
Fatina from Tower of Druaga. This is the next anime that I am really interested in.
Beautiful! Here another shot of Fatina
Thanx to Fuzzy, I now know what Nendoroid meant! There Rin from Vocaloids in her Nendoroid form.

I work on shift system and my off-day and Sunday hardly coincide. You can imagine how precious 18.10.2009 (Sunday) is to me. This day, I'm willing to sacrifice my sleep, waking up @ 6.30am for 'Toy Bloggers Outdoor Photo Shoot'. Ha! Ha!

To be continue.......................................................


deSMOnd said...

Wow!! Sacrified your last Sunday huh..

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Just sacrificed a bit of my sleep but in returns had a lot of fun. Actually, I felt kind of guilty leaving my wife to take care of the children cos after the photo shooting, I stayed at csc till 5.30pm and catch-up with old friends during dinner time.

jeroprime said...

The SD Macross really nice, where and how much u get it? I'm looking for it for years...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Hey Jeroprime! How have you been? It has been quite a while the last time we chat. I got my SD VF-1S Super Valkyrie together with the SD VF-1J GBP together 6 - 7 years ago in Singapore. They were bought loose but I remember how much I paid for.

LEon said...

Ah!! I look fat in the photo!!

After reading your post, I felt so bad... :( However your presence being there make a difference to me. I enjoyed the chit chat session that we had.

BTW when you finish your Tower of Druaga, can lend me? :D

jeroprime said...

Haha...fine here just lazy to update my blog. Your SD Macross is it transformable?
I am looking for SD Macross that can be transform and it is released by bandai. If i am not wrong, toynami also released their SD Macross recently.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> LEon
Don't feel bad bro, it's never your fault. In fact I really enjoyed the gathering and it's all thx to you.

Anyway I don't have 'Tower of Druaga' DVD yet. But I'm eyeing on the US release code 1 on the first part.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> jeroprime
Mine is non-transformable. The ones you mentioned by Bandai were vintage and they don't come cheap nowsdays. I don't have they too.

As for the ones by Toynami. It's has pull back action in plane mode but they don't even look cute in battroid mode. :(

TheFuzzy said...

I think you were the only one who got a clear photo of me.

It was great meeting you, Dennis! I think it'd be nice if you introduce me to more toys. LEon already introduced me to a lot of Transformers merchandise. XD

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

My pleasure to know you too Fuzzy! Very sorry I don't your real name. You are really kind to share your knowledge with me. Gave me an impression of a humble and approachable gentleman. Cheers!

Hexlord said...

Nice to meet you! ^^

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice meeting too! I feel much younger mixing with you guys. Ha! Ha!

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