Wednesday 10 August 2011

20th Anniversary Chogokin Gundam RX-78-2 (White)

MSV also known as Mobile Suit Variants were based on the creator's graphic ideas. These raw ideas of Gundam were no suited for the mainstream animation and thus they were featured alternatively on comic, magazine or short videoclips.

This is the last 20th Anniversary Chogokin Gundam RX-78-2, I have in my collection (Not complete without Casval Gundam). It looks like a prototype Gundam mint from factory that isn't been sprayed with the original colours. Pretty unique I shall say!


Twill Innovations said...

Just change the red parts to blue and it will look like the G-3 version. Or maybe its a G-3.5 version that comes with red parts? Haha...

LEon said...

I don't think the scale is right for this one. A small gundam?

on_o said...

No wonder the Zeon calls it "the White Devil"!

KazeTora said...

This looks cool, D. Where did u get all this cool stuffs, btw?

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> ZelnoX
I guess G3 is a bit more greyish. G-3.5 version sounds fun. That's another variant. Lol...

>> LEon
Usually Chogokin comes bigger but this range for the 20th anniversary came 1/144 and even the box is slim.

>> on_o
Well, they didn't managed to get rid of it when they have the chance at the start or they are just unlucky Amuro was there. Ha! Ha!

>> KazeTora
They are pretty rare now as I got them years back when they were released. Many of them from the old Clarke Quay.

chrismandesign said...

this is the best variant of the classic RX-78-2 u have by far, the color combination is beautiful & makes the whole design more graceful... if this version were available in model kit i wouldn’t mind into get it... it was the right decision, to keep him in ur collection, i love it pal =)

Ant Sized Man said...

Cool Gundam, read that originally Tomino wanted the gundam to be all white but the toy company sponsor did not like becasue it was not colourful enoughm to catch kids eye.

deSMOnd said...

Is this expensive??

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> chrismandesign
Sorry to disappoint you bro cos I have sold this toy away. The only one by my side now is the GM.

>> Ant Sized Man
The original white, blue & red appeals to me more too! Thanx for the knowledge sharing.

>> deSMOnd
Close to a hundred Singapore dollars when I bought but I sold it at around 20 bucks.

Gundam Gunso said...

It looks like it has phase shift armor from Seed, but with the phase shift down... XD

sl619 said...

the thing i love the most about this figure is its silver head. XD
wow.. thats a major lost dude...

Tachikawa said...

Dennis Senpai...Why did you let it go?...I think this is a special one...Even if I have it,I will never let it go...
Maybe for 5 to 10 years more...
People will try to hunt it...
The price will rise...

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