Wednesday 28 February 2018

Toy Shops Gathered at Havelock II Shopping Mall

If you are wondering where did most of those pop culture toy shops, previously at Central Square had moved to, look no where else but Havelock II, located at 2 Havelock Road,Singapore 059763. Everything starts from a humble beginnings just like Clark Quay and China Square Central once were. Havelock II has the potential to bloom to a more vibrant shopping mall with spacious walkway and clean toilets. More and more toy shops are moving at Havelock II as the refurbished mall is conveniently located near Chinatown MRT (Downtown MRT Line) and Clarke Quay MRT (North East MRT Line). You can take sheltered link bridges from Chinatown Point and passing through Furama Hotel. 

I'm hoping someone would persuade the management to start toy flea market at Havelock II on Sunday in future. Apart from shopping there, I have also gathered with other toy collectors for a booth during the Chinese New Year period to enjoy the festive atmosphere and hoping for a prosperous year ahead. If you are a toy collector from overseas hunting for toys, do play there a visit and for local collectors, come more often to continue our support! Long live toy collection! Ichiban : )


LEon said...

Good. Seems like all set up there liao. Hope will have good stuff there often.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Leon
Yup, I’m trying to help promote the mall for the benefits of all toy collectors. Hope this little effort help. Cheers : )

chrismandesign said...

I wish a "collectibles’ mall" like this were available in my hometown, but there are very few stores scattered in distant places and the stock of toys and collectibles is not as good as what I can see there in Havelock Mall... =/

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Chrismandesign
I guess people in my small city is been pampered with the convenience and abundance of toys. Price competition can be fierce and with local sale phone app like Carousell, running a toy shop can be tough having to pay high rental. Not easy ...

deSMOnd said...

I went there during weekdays and the place is very quiet (worst than China Square)...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Desmond
It will take time to warm up. China Square was once a dead town too. Roman isn’t build over night.

desmy said...

Hi Dennis, we are planning for this mall. Let me hear your ideas for this mall. You can contact me at ^^

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> desmy
Thanx for noticing this post. Shall write to you soon. My hope is that the mall would strive : )

Peter short said...

Thank you so much for sharing this great blog.Very inspiring and helpful too.Hope you continue to share more of your ideas.I will definitely love to read.
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