Friday 13 August 2010

Hobby Kulture

I had surprise discovery yesterday while shopping for NBA jersey at Peninsular Shopping Centre. I found a notice pasted on the wall, which directed me to this shop selling model kit known as 'Hobby Kulture' #04-19. Unfortunately, the shop was closed even though the opening hour says it's supposed to be opened. Hmmmm...

Anyway, here were some really nice kits displayed on their shelves and when I peep deeper into the shop, I see many boxes of model kits. Hint: Seems like plenty of good stuff. Hee! Hee!

I had spent some time looking at notice pasted at their entrance. Says that they do help to customise kits, provide basic modeling course and workshop rental starters. I have done checked through the Internet and found website of the shop as well.

Hobby Kulture Store ~
#04-19 Peninsula Shopping Center
3 Coleman Street (S) 179804
Operating Hour
Mon - Fri 7:30pm - 10pm
Sat - Sun 1pm - 10pm


Laser Pegs said...

Such a nice collections/information of toy construction sets. I have got more about different type of toys and gifts for the kids like kids building toys, kids building kit, kids toys on line and many more...

deSMOnd said...

Dennis, thanks for the heads up!!

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Laser Pegs
Thanx for the heads up!

>> deSMOnd
NP bro. Through your blog, I managed to visit the toy shop at Queen's Way Shopping Centre too.

chrismandesign said...

this kind of stores r not available in my country, i mean, with mecha model kits available, there r specialized in traditional model kits, but nothing like this... is good to find this kind of surprises, specially for the extra services that they offer... =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I think it's contributed to the popularity of Gundam in Singapore. The shop do sell traditional kits like planes and tanks just that I didn't snap any pics on them. Biase, hee! Hee!

bluedrakon said...

why can't there be shops like this in the US!!!!!


Dennis aka Katsuden said...

US is big and probably you need to travel a bit further to find one like this. Hee! Hee!

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