Friday 26 December 2008

The Cathay

'The Cathay'

Astons restaurant

Just came back from movie and dining at 'The Cathay'. Almost late for the movie as the bus I boarded got stuck in a traffic congestion from Steven Road to Orchard Rd. I had to alight the bus at Heeren and ran to 'The Cathay' to meet my best friend. Guess what movie I watched? It's 'Ip Man' again! This time, I had switched off my handphone to make sure I won't be disturbed.

After the movie, Terence had recommended we dine at 'Aston' located a level four of 'The Cathay'. Terence told me the food there are delicious and prices are reasonable. We had to queue before entering and the restaurant was consistently filled with patrons.

Terence had ordered the black pepper steak and I ordered lamb loin chop. The serving was sufficient and the food really taste great.

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