This is Dennis reporting from Bukit Panjang. I have just received news that there will be a Gundam fair held at ToysRus VivoCity on 06/06/2008 till 30/06/2008. Goodie bag would be given to Gundam patrons with every S$50 purchase of Gundam products. Support Gundam & support Bandai! Roger out!
I hope I won't have to work that day cos my wife and I had make plans to eat Hagen Daz fondue and watch Kungfu Panda. Of cos with princess Wenzel! Would also ask Wenz' Godfather along.
Too bad, u gotto work. Argh, wat a spoiler :(
Well! We did go on a later date. Too bad Wenz & Denz' godfather couldn't join us.
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