Monday 19 September 2011

G.F.F 0027 Blue Destiny Unit 01

A mobile suit that appears in one of Gundam's side stories which started of as a game on Sega Saturn. There is no animation on Blue Destiny but the story was illustrated in manga and sad to say there's only one volume in English.

Blue Destiny 01 can turn berserk when it switches onto EXAM system. The berserk mode greatly increases the combat ability of the mobile suit, however it destroys comrades as well. The the unit was assigned Yu Kajima under the codenamed Blue Destiny 01. He becomes highly proficient with it, despite the fact that its EXAM System has a severe impact on his mind.

Gundam Fix Figuration allows you to choose between Blue Destiny unit 01 or 02. I of course choose unit 01 as it's more inclined to RGM mobile suit.


chrismandesign said...

i didn’t know this series began as a videogame... well it makes sense since the videogames need a story behind them... the color scheme of this blue destiny is something i love, but i saw u didn’t publish pictures of the rest of accesories which r cool too... the screen job is better that the paint job & the display bases r a great & necessary add... this is a good looking gundam !!! =)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I didn't play the game cos it's a shooting game from the view inside MS cockpit but I read the manga which I like a lot. The simply love the GM design and about the other accessories, I'm going save it for another post in future. So be prepared to see Gundam Blue Destiny Unit 2.

Tachikawa said...

Kakkoi na...
That looks Cool...even it is in Blue color...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

The colour scheme is very unique for a MS and it's pretty stealth at nite. Like most of it's operation in the manga.

bluedrakon said...

I like the side story on this as it is cool that Bandai released this in the GFF series.

I like the blue coloring as well since it really sets it apart.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Nice that Bandai had this on GFF before the Gunpla. I too had bought the 1/144 scale, the SD kit as well as 1/100 scale conversion resin kit. Anything that gotta do with Blue Destiny. Hee! Hee!

Tachikawa said...

Ganbatte ne Dennis Senpai...
On collecting all Gunpla...
Hope you will post all about Gunpla
after these...It's a good Review...
for Gunpla Collector...
Or should I say Gunplayer?...
(I too am Gunplayer...)

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Gunplayer sounds cool! I will take a little more on time on Gunpla due to the rate of production. Hee! Hee!

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