Saturday 19 December 2020

Community Chest Sharity Elephant Figure


One of the reasons of toy collection is keeping those memories and this is exactly why I adopted Sharity Elephant figure. It is a mascot of Singapore Community Chest and back then when I was a kid, there were often roadshows to promote care, share and generosity in contribution to the community. This figure is part of a fund raising campaign such as to adopt a figure at a fee. Like a token of appreciation for donating. It's pretty unique and not so much like a commercial toy. It's sentiment and definitely part of my growing up. Not to mention it kind of cute. 


deSMOnd said...

I never see this mascot before. A good one after all.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

>> Desmond
The mascot meant a lot to kiddos my era once upon a time.

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