Sunday 19 April 2020

Wifee's Line Friends Toys

Wifee first introduced me to Line Chat before we started playing "Line Ranger" and her craze continue till today with her own collection of Line Friends toys ranging from those huge Kelloggs cereal container to those blind capsule candy toys from Chupa Chups. If I'm not wrong, Line Friends originated from Japan and was really big in Korea thereafter. There is even Line Friends cafe in Korea. Some other areas widely in use of Line Chat are Taiwan and Thailand. 

Through wifee's collection journey, we met many nice people especially the lady who gave her  Brown cereal container. We have been looking for Brown cereal container even since it disappeared from supermarket shelves almost immediately when it was released. Guess which character is wifee's favourite? It has to be Sally! For your information, Sally is a chick not a duck. Lolz...


deSMOnd said...

I thought the yellow one is a duck. The reason is the shape of the beak.

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

I thought so too.. Google explains lol ^_^

chrismandesign said...

WOW!... The cuteness level of these toys is too high, almost radioactive for my taste, LOL!... Now, seriously, I really like this kind of cute toys, maybe because sometimes designers toys have that sort of twisted cuteness, besides, I remember this Line app and I think I used it at least for some time, but I never saw collectibles based on it ;(...

Dennis aka Katsuden said...

Sorry to poison ☠️ you pal... I also took liking in designer toys recently and yeah my pocket burnt deep to too... lolz

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