Mecha originally designed by Mr Yutaka Izubuchi, The SR-70 Saturn made its appearances in Mobile Police Patlabor (TV series) and Mobile Police Patlabor New OVA Series as a security labor produced by Toyohata Auto, which actually serves as a front company for Schaft Enterprises Japan. Based on the prototype labor SRX-70, the Saturn was initially intended for use by police departments, but the unit ended up proving popular with private security firms. The Saturn's armament differs somewhat from the SRX-70, including a revolver, commando knife, stun stick and shield.
Unique and one of its kind is this built and painted Saturn Schaft 1/35 soft vinyl SR-70 labor done by the previous owner. This is the main reason why I settle for this instead of the newer Bandai Robot Damashii action figure. From old soft vinyl kit, it has the same size as Bandai's Master Grade model kit so it awesome when displayed with my other Patlabor kits. This is a rare commercial release of Patlabor Japanese B-Club garage kit in 1990.
Sometimes you don’t believe how much model kits have evolved over time, many things have happened since 1990, you can bet, but garage kits are still in a different league... This is an old kit, no doubt, probably contemporary with the series, yet you can see clean and sharp details that in snap or resin kits were not feasible at that time; besides, you don’t have to remove the burr of the runner with garage kits, they are more handcrafted... Now, in a side note, it’s curious how the upper back of this Labor reminds me the tail of a Mercedes-Benz 190-E !!!... =D
ReplyDelete>> Chrismandesign
ReplyDeleteResin kit is really a league of their own, probably like Warhammer a league of its own. I know I’m more of a collector of complete figure over articulated ones. For the scale and rarity. This fit the bill. Now that you mentioned the rear upper torso does looks like the boot of car ^_^
The weathering is great!!
ReplyDelete>> Desmond
DeleteMy skill is not to this standard. It’s the work of previous owner : ) kudos to him!