Thursday, 14 January 2010

Macross Chronicle 36

Let's have a quick insert of Macross Chronicle for our Macross fans! This issue has a good blend of articles from different Macross timelines from Macross Zero, Original anime, Macross 2, Macross Plus, Macross 7 till all the way to Macross Frontier. Some great drawings there but hey! There's no review on Macross toys or product except Bandai's advertisement on DX Fire Valkyrie and  DX Macross Quarter. I already have made Macross Quarter part of my collection but still contemplating whether to buy DX Fire Valkyrie cos I already have the vintage 1/65 scale Fire Valkyrie.


  1. :@ toys, i want toys !!! illustrations r fine but this is all bout toys pal... uhmmm i realized that u r not my fan/follower yet, care to use the 2 gadgets i hav for that porpose ??? thx in advance Dennis =D

  2. Amazing looking battle pods, Spartan Sheryl and even though im noting the biggest Mac2 fan, those destroids look quite cool.

    Hello Sheryl.

  3. >> chrismandesign
    At my blog, I will not only blog about my toys pal. I will sometime blog about anime, games and movies. But toy is still the main focus. Hee! Hee!

    >> Ant Sized Man
    I know you always like Macross Chronicle bro! Thx for the constant support as well. You guys makes me go on with Macross Chronicle. Well, the magazine still is going strong and there are more issues to come. I think those destroids from Macross 2 really cool too!
