Sunday, 29 June 2014

Macross Frontier RVF-25 Messiah Luca Custom Chogokin (Flight Mode)

To be honest, the pricing of recent chogokin toy related to Macross Frontier had been steep and those so called refined 2nd edition and same valkyrie mold with anniversary prints are driving me nuts. Just could not continue and pace with my latest procurement only at VF-171 Nightmare Plus. Frankly, I could hardly call this a review but more of blogging on the humble collection of the first edition, 1/60 Macross Frontier RVF-25 Messiah Luca Custom Chogokin, with pics of the valkyrie in fighter mode. RVF-25 as the 'R' suggested, as a variable fighter for Reconnaissance. It's a property of S.M.S (Strategic Military Services) assigned to Luca Angelloni of Skull squad. Modification of this custom VF-25 would be the radar disk mounted on top of the messiah and the antenna that could be flipped down. The radar disk could also be rotated and extended for broadening. The head design of the RVF-25 was unique to the rest as the head looked insect and with the overall green colour scheme, the mecha took on the image of a grasshopper. As for the gimmicks, the cockpit could be opened, showing the miniature Luca pilot and the set came with super messiah parts which are attachments.


  1. Good collection. I have to agree that Macross is always on the high point pricing. If only it is not so ex....

    1. I saw a preloved refined version going @ 170 bucks but gave it a miss after thinking what am I gg to do with this thereafter.. Lol

  2. i don’t know how look the most recent releases of this kind of chogokin figures, but the older ones (like the one your publishing) is quite impressive in my opinion... i guess they have more diecast parts and the graphics are slightly better, but if you were lucky enough to get one of them, why you should pay more for the same item in general terms ???... there is a niche for these very expensive products, but as you said, the price is above your wildest dreams LOL... i love the color scheme in this custom Macross along with the whole design, is definitely my kind of stuff !!! =)

    1. I'm cool about having the first version just that it's kind of sucky that there always those refined version after a short while especially when it's rather typical for Bandai. I guess it's sometime good to wait for the best deal when I comes to side characters. I have learned from mistakes over the years of toy collection though recent blunder still happened due to impulse buying. Old habit dies hard... Lol... Anyway, I now seek advises from friends before buying and deal by recommendation of friends. Being selective and constantly convincing myself not to buy unless necessary ^_^

  3. Yeah, too lazy to fully transform. You caught me bro ^_^
