Monday, 19 November 2012

Gunpla Builders World Cup GBCW 2012 Singapore Entries (Part 1)

It's the time again for the big guns in Singapore to fight it out in the local Gunpla arena first @ Compass Point, Sengkang, as Gunpla Builders World Cup 2012 opened its flood gate. An event that caught the attention of all Gunpla enthusiasts worldwide and a way to showcase Gunpla talents on a international platform. If, you have visited Gundam Guy with his highly resourceful intels and pics, you would have took noticed of entries from Philippines and Indonesia with highly impressive kits too! Sure to hit a highly competitive standard. 

The display of GBWC 2012 Singapore @ Compass Point only occupied a small area at the atrium but there were a lot of entries, so I'm sorry if I'm unable to cover all entries. This 'Part 1' post would cover mainly those massive overkilled customized kits and mecha from alternative Gundam timelime. Do still tuned for entries from U.C timeline... 


  1. i wonder how many kits were sacrificed !!! those "LMS" (Low Mobility Suits) are way too stuffed... you don’t know where ends the robot and begins the building LOL... maybe the O would have my preferences, since the modifications are in the edge of sanity and proportion... oh, and the gangnam style gundams... they’re stupidly awesome LOL... =)

    1. You are right pal, apart of the time taken, the material used by some of these massive kits must be enormous. These big kits sure are eye candies at the exhibition.

      The Oppa Gundam style was done by a kiddo under junior category. It was really cute so I couldn't help taking a snap of it. The diorama was the lift. Lolz... Just like the MTV...

  2. Lots of gorgeous gunpla talent on display.
    The O is awesome!

  3. This year it seems that there are more entries and standard had also increased over the years. I think The O - Odin is one the hot favourite in this contest.

  4. Something new this time round..I liked those customised models from open category.

  5. Oh yes! Fresh ideas is important for future reference and new development to Gunpla. In a way Bandai and Sunrise will better know what we want. Hee! Hee!

  6. OP, OP, OP, oppa gundam style!
    Trigger happy heavyarms spotted.
    The O still maintained its signature shape but looks awesome!

  7. Hey sexy Gundam! Even Gunpla follows the trend. I just did a HG 1/100 Heavyarms from Endless Waltz and still feels the adrenaline when I saw this all assault Heavyarms entry. I now tempted to get the MG Heavyarms version kai. The O - Odin looks better than the original to me.

  8. HG 1/100 Heavyarms EW? That is like one of my first gundams! It's still at my hometown though the modelling from that time is quite ugly. haha!

  9. Yup! HG 1/100 Heavyarms EW. Nostalgic isn't it. Also noticed the big gaps with parts. Still, it I was happy to have done some touch-up to it. Too bad I lost one of the antenna on the head and the clown mask.
