Thursday, 23 August 2012

Gunpla Expo 2012 Singapore Gundam Exclusives & Preorder

What is special event without exclusives! Exclusives or limited sets are what you can bring home  beside memories of Gunpla Expo 2012 Singapore! The RG Strike Rouge would be very special! Last year, I thought of getting the Pink BearGuy and still thinking about it now. I guess the pinky BearGuy would look super adorable among my female figurines.At Gunpla Expo 2012 Singapore, you can also secure your purchases of the soon-to-released Gunpla! Are you tempted by these exclusives and pre-ordered? 


  1. Bro, I guess you and Leon will be going there :)

  2. Leon could not make it due to work commitments. Guess I'm going alone and then meeting another friend there when the area is opened to public. Good thing the event will last a longer period.

  3. there are some interesting stuff there... i mean, interesting as the kits themselves, ’cause the prices are a bit too high... i was thinking specifically in the RX-78-2 clear version... =)

  4. Clear original Gundam is pretty symbolic. Last, I thought of getting the Pink Bearguy and still thinking about it now. It will look super adorable with my female figurines. Ha! Ha!

  5. LOL - what do you think any Gundam Pilot would do once they see Bear Guy in Pink racing towards them

    1. Ha! Ha! They will drop their weapons and give pink Bearguy a hug. Come in peace in the name of cuteness.
