Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Customized Transformers Exhibition @ Cybertron Con Singapore 2012

For the un-indoctrinated, this year’s Cybertron Con displays a never before competition where local Singaporean designers and hobbyists have submitted a model kit of either Optimus Prime or Bumblebee that is entirely designed, coloured and even decorated according to their personal interpretation. 

Hence, these customized artifacts expressed by devoted fans through creativity and skills, made up another attraction of Transformers Cybertron Singapore include. It's an exhibition that you really have to see it for yourself with the naked eyes. Unfortunately, and photography skills and camera I had were not able to capture these exhibits at their best. Can't blame the dim orangish lightings really... Hopefully, Adrian (Little Plastic Man) and Leon (Open The Toy) managed to take pics better than these.


  1. The images are sharp even taken by iphone!!

  2. YOur pictures better than mine!! LOL

  3. >> deSMOnd
    It seems like my iPhone camera produced better pics than the point and shot under dim lightings.

    >> LEon
    You are too modest bro! Yours can see the the colour differential. I'm all orange edition. Ha! Ha!

    >> Little Plastic Man
    You have some good shots too bro. I link to your post so as to compliment the lapses.

  4. Yah, lighting was bad. I had to use my iPhone flash as light and mess around with white balance.

  5. Oh yahor, I didn't thought that at that moment. Sigh...

  6. those are interesting works and your pictures seem "photoshoped" but it was just the light so it’s a good job pal... you fooled me LOL... i guess is a hectic week there !!!

  7. Bro, those pics ain't "photoshoped", they are raw from my handphone. You can bet that it's so hectic that I hardly processed the pics taken.

  8. Still, even orange you can see the intense details and action they showed.

  9. Actually seeing it there is terrific.... Something that's different from just any toy display.

  10. too bad they dont have Lillo and Stitch there :-(

  11. You mean Transformers Lillo and Stitch? I don't know about yet. I'm intel on toys are a bit slow these days.
