Sunday, 9 May 2010

Thank you nuffnang! Ka Ching!

Many thanx to Nuffnang for the cheque received! The advertising fee really comes handy for my hobbies and it's simply delighting that I could make some small earning through blogging and especially it's the first time extra money comes from blogging. Yuppies!


  1. Ugh, never like ads on my blog though..makes it slow loading also..

    ...even though can earn money from it...

    *envy grind*

  2. >> LEon
    I must thanx you too for introducing this media to me bro!

    >> Evaritus
    I only have nuffnang and Google Ad listed on my blog and I think it didn't hinder loading so much. Loading seems fine even when I view my blog on iPhone.

  3. I have earned a little through mine, but nothing to note worthy yet :(

    Have fun deciding on what you want to get

  4. kjakjakkjakajakja... to b sincere, Amazon got much more money from me than i do from them =PPPPP... happily it was once & not anymore, i learn my lesson so well... anyway, someday the balance may tip in my favor, who knows ???

  5. I didn't use Amazon. I served Google ad too there's a bit of fee from Google as well. Hee! Hee!

  6. Ha! Ha! This is like a never ending process for me.

  7. Thats more than my weekly salary, no f-wking wonder I quit! Damn I should trying doing ads, I know how the hell does it work

    *goes to google*

  8. Not bad at all!! Much more than I usually earn from Amazon.

    So what did you spend it on!? =)

  9. >> GunStray
    Actually it takes quite a while before it was accumulated to this amount. Hee! Hee!

    >> G.G
    I have used the money to off set the amount spent on Jumbo Grade Zeta Gundam. Still waiting for the item to come but have a wait a bit longer cos of the volcanic ashes affecting flight recently.

  10. Wah bro! BLOGGING can earn money..Teach me??

  11. The pictures of the toys looks nice and interesting. I too love collecting toys. I am having a huge collection of toys especially Godzilla toys.

  12. >> deSMond
    Bro, all you need to do is to register with nuffnang and add ads to your blog by pasting their HTML link.

    >> Harinath
    Thank you visiting my blog and Godzilla is classic old-skool!

  13. Congrats there. Additional funding for your hobby. How long did it take you to accumulate the money for the payout?

  14. It do around 6 months. It really depends on traffic and the the campaign. Some campaign/adv plays really well!
