Thursday, 6 May 2010

Iron Man 2 Action Movie

There is probably less action from the start, but Robert Downey Jr didn't fail to bring the same or more amount of humour and life to this tin man. Here you will see more character development of Tony Stark. This time round, Ironman fought less of conventional weapons but droids from rival company in a arm race.

Like most super heroes, Ironman needs a sidekick so his best friend came to his assistance as Warmachine. The way both Ironman and Warmachine wiped out the droids is so cool and kickass (not to mention the great CG). Another awesome scene in this movie was when Tony donned the Ironman suit from his briefcase. If you wait at your seat long enough, your patience will pay off cos there's an extra scene after the credits suggesting Mighty Thor would be introduced in Ironman 3.


  1. I will be watching this tommorrow. Can't wait.

  2. hehehe... is on theaters now in my country & i’m planning to go with some friends to watch this fantastic movie... but collection figures of this character... (sobbbbing) ;( TT.TT myb in 2 zillion years...

  3. wow, I wanna watch this movie but no time T_T

  4. YESSS!! Moar Warmachine action!!!

    Man hollywood must have felt sorry for mecha fans^^;

  5. I still prefer the 1st instalment as more actions and movie plot is easy to understand :)

  6. I think that extra scene after the credits might be to get fans excited about Avenger movie in 2012.

  7. >> G.G
    Good that you have watched bro! So they will be Avenger movie in 2012. That's thrilling!

    >> chrismandesign
    After watching this movie, I regretted selling away my Warmachine figure in the past.

    >> mangyver5223
    I squeezed my time on that day after my half day training day to watch these 2 movies and having to wake up very early for work the next day.

    >> DeSMOnd
    I would say most would prefer 1st movie cos of the fresh introduction of Ironman suit that made us go wow wow wow!
