Friday, 20 November 2009

Marvel: Iron Man Figures @ Work Desk

Courtesy from Mr Eric's toy collection, I'm hereby able to bring you Ironman. The 3 candidates for today are Marvel Universe Iron Man from old school of thoughts, Marvel Universe Iron Man you see from Movie & always cutee Mighty Muggs old skool Ironman.

Marvel Universe figurines by Hasbro standing around 4" has got multiple points of articulation with the joint between upper and lower torso as the plus point. Not forgetting the ankle joints too. The figures are relatively light weight and I do face some problems balancing them.

Marvel Universe Ironmen have relatively good sculpting considering a toy of only 4". I especially like the paint job which gave Ironmen the define chrome finish.


  1. D, do you remember ironman's old cartoon? The armor is so sleek that Tony Stark actually put it inside a briefcase. Hahahahhaa... That's a cool collection of Iron Men. :D

    Do they sell Iron Patriot, btw?

  2. The animation really kick! Way better than the US cartoons. I like the villain and the female drawing inside. The ironman not much different to me. :P

  3. >> KazeTora
    At least it's more handy than going back to secret hideout to wear his suit.

    >> GunStray
    Sorry bro, I just took what was available.

    >> LEon
    It's Ironman series with a new experience. Looking forward to it....

  4. Wow Dennis, the Japanese Iron Man Anime 2010 is very cool and I am looking forward to the cartoon too :P

  5. Maybe there will be cosplaying on Ironman next year @ AFA 2010 since it's in anime style. Hee! Hee!
