Thursday, 10 September 2009

Patlabor Ingram Alphonse Special (Plastic model)

These are vintage 1/60 scale Ingram model kits by Bandai. I got these loose kits on Ebay that were already built. The kits come with rubber external material that covers the limbs, making the kits look more realistic. Accessories that come with it include revolver, baton, shield, shotgun and command car. The kits can still give great poses however they can’t be compared to more advanced toys like Revoltech or CMS chogokin in term of articulation.


  1. I have one of this model kit long time ago and I agree it is a handsome figure. I see that you paint the model too. Great effort and good photo shoot. :)

  2. I didn't paint the kits this time around but had pay more attention to phototaking. Thank you for the compliment Leon.

  3. Very nice looking kit and how old is vintage because it looks like a real excellant model. Like the rubber covers.
    Never watched Patlabor, not sure where to start.
    Look awesome in the hanger.

  4. Patlabor TV anime series is fun & hilarious but the movie is almost the opposite. Kits are released in the 90s.

  5. Hey, just surfing your site and found this old article. I too have one of these guys, it's a great kit, but you might want to be careful when storing it. Over time I noticed the soft rubber coverings can melt the hard plastic where they touch. I also have the Brocken kit from this series and it happened to that one a bit also. I store mine taken apart and in separate bags so there is less chance of this, if that makes sense.

  6. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us Jamspeed. I had stored the kit in ziplock bag and kept them in box. So far so good and I hope the the warm humid climate in my country will be shorten much of the toy's lifespan.

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