Thursday, 21 January 2010

Gundam Fix Figuration G.F.F #0026 Gundam RX-79-2

Unlike Gundam Guy, I have one piece set G.F.F 0026 and hence needed to remove RGM armour before swapping to Gundam RX78-2, here you can see the amazing transaction to of RGM to Gundam. Though it may seems easy but it took approximately 10 to 15 mins to change the parts. Fingers were quite tired after that. Some reviews from collectors of G.F.F series is that the armour parts won't attached properly and may tend to drop. Fortunately, mine seems pretty ok!

G.F.F cost a lot more than MSIA, you are really paying for a detail sculpted figure with awesome paint works. It always pleasant to the eyes to look at clear sharp wording imprinted on the armour. I not too sure if some G.F.F comes with bent parts and antennas but I'm sure G.F.F pose better that MSIA.


  1. WOW i’m d 1st one commenting (i hope so) i have this piece in model kit version KA (i dunno if u already visit my post, if that’s not the case, here is the link & i’ll b waiting for ur comment =) I’m still thinking that model kits r better but this one is not bad, at all... congrats colleague !!!

  2. Due to the price of GFF, I am keeping my cost down nowadays by purchasing HGUC gundam kits only, and spending extra cost on paint & supplies.

    However, I am really struggling about getting the GFFN Unicron Gundam. That is like my most wanted toy for this year. Hope my wifey won't get too harsh on me, and put a gundam purchasing blockade on me. LOL

  3. From what I read, the joints must be really hard for you to change the parts. One thing about fix configuration is that the painting already done for you. SO that is one less thingy to worry about from model kit.

  4. >> chrismandesign
    It's always my honour that you visit and comment on my post. Thx a lot Chris! I have previously visited all your Gundam posts with I first gotten to know your blog and I know you passion for Gunplas. Hee! Hee!

    >> G.G
    I see your difficulty G.G. I have budgeting issue these days too. I have seen GFFN Unicron Gundam selling, but the price is around S$200/-. Over budget man!

    >> LEon
    You really understand me well bro! Takes a bit of time to change the parts and G.F.F is detail, weight and not assembly. Hee! Hee!

  5. This piece looks much better with detailed paint work. The first Gundam design :)

  6. The first Gundam always wins the hearts of many. Hee! Hee!

  7. Thats amazing looking 78, real coolmodern looking design with those always awesome like warning signs which i just can't get enough of.

  8. I too felt that this design is more modern looking if you are to compare it with the one you see on anime. It's mass is more towards a MKII.
